Automotive & Motor Vehicle Transportation
We understand the complexities involved in conducting business in a global marketplace, with new and innovative supply chain structures, significant regulatory restrictions, and increased pressure for greener automobiles.
We have experience with the challenges that auto manufacturers, parts suppliers and distributors, emerging technology companies, and autonomous vehicle and advanced mobility developers face. Clients rely on our expertise to assist with antitrust and trade regulation, IP, environmental and emissions standards, product liability, class action, and regulatory and compliance issues. We routinely consult with counsel to assist with privacy, cyber security, taxation, 2nd requests, FTC enforcement action, and white-collar criminal issues.
Some of our experience includes:
Automotive parts manufacturer defective design litigation
Defense of auto manufacturer in consumer class action litigation
IP protection of integrated automobile components
Automotive environmental issues
Automotive OEM & supplier litigation
Automotive antitrust & trade regulation
Personal injury and wrongful death
Price-fixing MDL